Zygote Studios

Zygote is an arts and multi media business whose goal is to provid...


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What We Do

Zygotes delves in all genres of art: music production/sales/performance painting drawing photography literacy publication (chapbooks and magazine) art / music event promotion and production

How It Works

all my works are original art and some of the styles in my artworks are original and fresh. My music has a very high demand in the European/ North and South American/ Asian market. My photography style although digital has a purist feel as i try to remain True to the art. I display artworks at galleries, do commissioned works. I have an online host for my music sales. I have produced for other artists. Most of my works have been online and thus far i have been doing all of my promotions but due to lack of funding, it is a long hard road. below is a Vogue.it publication

Why Buy / How We're Different

I have sold art to young children as old as 9 and older people in their 90s. I have a wide demographic of fans arts wise... my music is mostly popular in the 21-45 age bracket. And my literacy works have been appreciated by all ages. There are products that are meant for the adult crowd but i am also very family friendly. Below is my latest album which was produced and published under the Zygote house name. Released a month ago and in the top 15 charts of new releases on Amazon

History, Traction, & Why We're Raising

As mentioned earlier, i have been working on my art and the idea of "zygote studios" for some 10 years. After graduating from the Arts Institute of Pittsburgh with a degree in photography last year, my study of arts and color theory knowledge, i decided to take the next step which is realizing my dream. It is a colossal dream but i believe with courage, determination, drive and persistence all things are possible. I would say i have planted the seed- i have the products...i just need fertilization to help the seed bloom into something bountiful for the masses.


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