Windshine Electric generators

Our generators will provide electric power today wi...


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Quick Pitch

Windshine Electric Generators is tomorrows technology for todays need of more electric power produced with non carbon sources. Our residential and small commercial units will provide the additional power and saving that advance our standard of living and boost the bottom line of business.  Our electric vehicle units will provide the range extension necessary for the EV industry, both autos and light trucks to really begin to change the automotive market world wide.

Here at Windshine we are at the forefront of a technological revolution involving the personal production of electric power. As a small company we need your help to add staff to finish our designs and ready a prototype for testing. When you research us you will find that our website, is dark at this point and will be till the designs are fully complete and we can show a quality representation of our product. It will be worth the wait.

Those who do helpout will get inside information as to the design so you will know what to expect and what the world can expect.

Product/Service Details

The Windshine Electric Generator design is a patented; #8,269,368,  twin generating true wind turbine that is fully scalable, which allows for a full line of products. Our unique flow throw generator will provide utility grade power on a much small platform, our residential and small commercial size units have no competition and our electric car units will allow for operational recharge that will provide true usable range and faster recharge when plugged in. The number of different sizes will only be constrained by what the use will be.

The residential units will provide the home owner and the renter with significant amounts of electric power over what is now produced by home solar panals. This while taking up almost no space on the roof. Because it is small it can be easily attached and thus removed when you move, you own the generator. They should become standard on all new homes in less than 5 years and we will be first in with the right design. No matter the size and need of the the home we will have a unit for them.

The auto units will do operational recharge for the EV industry which will extend the range and make for faster recharge. A game changer for the industry as less batteries can be utilized. This will make the EV less costly and more productive for the owner. People want the freedom of a gas car with the technology of an electric car and now that will be available.

The commercial units will aide businesses of all sizes with their electric power needs and thus reducing their operational costs and adding great value to their bottom line.  The more of these that are on the market the fewer utility size units will be needed; which is the goal.

The utility size units will make no whoosh noise and kill no birds, will not be 400 ft tall and will make more output power. These units will make wind farms actually productive with no subsidies needed, and all current infrastructure can be utilized as the windmills can be removed, towers cut down to a more normal height and our generators installed.

We also have future designs for a protable unit for campers and a marine unit for boats so those batteries can be recharged all the time. A commercial marine unit is also in the works for an electric freighter for cleaner harbors.

Scalability makes for an unlimited number of designs.

How We're Different

Our true wind turbine is a generator from front to back with almost no wasted space or motion. The unique and innovative design from the magnets to the coils to the solar controller unit makes this unlike any generator in the market. The flow through design allows for significant air flow to provide the cooling necessary so more power can be produced. Making power makes heat and the faster you can move the heat the more power one can make. Our small design makes us the future in makeing electric power from wind.

Simplicity is the key to both more power and a cost factor that will be significantly less than current technology.

Traction & Accomplishments

Windshine recieved our patent 8,269,368 on Sept 12 2013 after 10 years of design and 2 years in the patent office. Since then additional design enhancements have been created and the design is ready for the next phase of its development. That is where you come in as the funds requested are going to be used to finish the technical drawings and begin the computer modeling necessary to determining the output potential of each unit, so we can then begin making an operational unit to get real world test results.

Vetted by 2 Nobel Winning physicists, Dr. Walter Kohn of UCSB. 1997 Chemistry: and Dr. Dan Kammen of Cal Berkeley, 2007 Peace Prize.  All those that have seen the design find it to be very cool technology.

We will eventually partner with a large multinational company to be able to produce for the demand that will ensue once testing is complete.

If you need more information before commiting please contact us at we'll be glad to answer any questions you might have.


Alan White - CEO/ Patent holder

Developmental designer/accomplished executive/ 98 ind candidate for Gov Az 

Alan White is an accomplished executive and former manufactures rep that utilized his creative and technical skills to design the next generation in wind generated electric power. 1998 Ind candidate for Governor of Arizona.


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