We Got This

The technology support and advice you need, face-to-face, on demand.


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Quick Pitch

People love technology and every shiny new gadget... until the confusion hits about exactly how the USB connects to the kneebone and the kneebone connects to the router. Then that beloved smartphone, laptop, TV, camera, tablet or printer becomes the most frustrating thing on earth!

“We Got This” is a whole new way for people to get back to technological happiness, without all the confusion, frustration and down time.

Now, anyone with an internet connection can download the app to their smartphone or tablet and connect with someone from our friendly and talented team of Thinknicians for a face-to-face video chat. They’re available a full 18 hours every day for user support, sharing technology help and advice about how to connect, install, set-up, control and conquer your technology!

They’ll help you understand how to use what you have, and get what you need, so you can do what you want. And, they’re really good at explaining things simply.

So, if your email is misbehaving, your wireless printer won’t connect, you need to know how to secure your home network or if you’d just like some help choosing the right tablet for your Dad’s birthday – We Got This!

You could spend hours trying to find answers, online (when’s the last time you received a manual with your purchase?), but We Got This is fast, friendly and costs less than in-home technicians. Plus, our per-minute price is capped at 30 minutes, no matter how long the call takes.

So don’t despair and forget about waiting around for an appointment… We Got This!

Download the app and get the helpful, easy to understand support you need right away.

The Service Details

As technology continues to expand in innovative ways that enhance our lives, so does the gap in most people’s understanding about the technology they own, or would like to own.

We Got This was created to bridge that gap by offering friendly, one-on-one, easy to understand user support and advice about all kinds of technical products.  So, whether someone needs help installing a wireless network, transferring slides to a digital format, or just needs to understand the difference between quad core and dual core before they buy a new computer, we’re here to help.

The We Got This app features a scrollable list of technology professionals who are available to connect via our face-to-face video chat. But, they’re so much more than just tech people! These are expert Thinknicians, chosen because they truly care about people and want to help. They’re also really good at explaining things, so even people with minimal technological understanding will feel comfortable.

The video chat connection makes all the difference since people can show their Thinknician exactly what is going on via the video chat connection; to show how they have their wires plugged in for example, or exactly which lights on a display are blinking. Thinknicians can also share their computer screen with the customer, so they can demonstrate how to do something simply, or share a manual.

It’s like they’re right there with you, but without the downtime of waiting on-hold to speak to a customer service rep; or the hours of research trying to understand things on your own; or making a trip to the store; or waiting for an in-home appointment… get the picture? If you’re missing the picture, then that would be just one more reason to call We Got This! Most of the people we know could have benefitted from our service at least once in their lives so far.

Oh yeah, and it costs less too. Most in-home tech services start at around $50 just to show up. We Got This is priced at $1.50 per minute and is capped at 30 minutes, so even if our fix does take longer, it won’t cost you more than $45. Plus, if any research is required on our part, those minutes don’t count towards the total price.

We also realize that technological melt downs aren’t a nine-to-five phenomenon! That’s why we offer seriously extended hours – a full 18 hours a day of comforting technology assistance, from 8am-3am ET/5am-12am PT. We’ll always try to be immediately available to help, but we realize that some of our team members may become favorites for some customers, so we’ll also offer a wait list feature, just in case.

When your call is complete, you’ll receive a re-cap email of the details discussed, which is especially helpful for those who ask us for purchasing advice.

We’ll also be including an additional service for people who need purchasing advice, but aren’t comfortable trying out the video chat service right away. For a nominal fee, we’ll offer an email service for people who either know the device they want, but not which type would be best for them, or those who know what they want to do, but don’t know what technology they need. We Got This will ask a series of questions to help establish the three best choices for our customer, then email them all the details.

We Got This is real, expert, genuine help, not just scripted information, or advice read from a manual. And, because we’re not selling anything, we never try to push any particular model or brand.

Just friendly, low-cost technology advice and help that anyone will feel comfortable using.

We Got This Taking the Stress Out of Technology!

Traction & Funding Needs

We Got This is a brand new startup, but we’ve been working hard to dig in and get traction, so we can bring technological happiness to the masses!

We Got This has been formed as an LLC and trademarking has been confirmed in two different classes. A company office location is currently being scouted.

We have created the whiteboard explainer video on this page to help people understand how We Got This works. We wrote it so that the scope was not limited just to our fundraising campaign, but so that it will also work well on our future landing page.

A trusted software developer has been chosen and the wireframe for the platform has been completed. They will also handle our future website, database, android and Apple apps.

This is what we’ve achieved so far and now we need your help for the next steps. We’ll use the money raised to complete what we’ve started and develop those wireframes into the software required to make We Got This a reality.

No one else is offering a service like this. We truly appreciate your involvement at any level! Help us create a whole new paradigm and wake people up from their technology nightmares.

How We're Different

How do we love our customers? Let us count the ways.

We Got This is an entirely different take on technological help and advice. It was created by a technology expert/people person who genuinely loves helping people understand technical products. You see this stuff is easy for her, but the big line-up of friends, family and co-workers asking for her advice made her realize that it’s not that easy for most people! It became clear to her that there was a real need for a different type of technology help.

We Got This is different because it’s been formed from a core idea of technologically savvy people-persons helping the technologically mystified everybody else. We offer friendly, experienced, one-on-one service that’s easy to understand and really helps.

We’re also different, because this is a whole new idea. As far as we know, there isn’t anything else out there like We Got This. There’s the free tech support that companies offer on their own products, available by phone, email or online chats, but many people are frustrated by long wait times (perma-hold), or by badly trained, difficult to understand customer service people.

For everything else, there are technicians who can physically come to your home. Appointments need to be scheduled and most start at $50 just to show up.

We know there is a better way and we’re here to save people from their own technology with a more human, less expensive alternative. Imagine the difference a real person makes; face-to-face and truly interested in how they can help you.

Because that IS the final big difference. Our face-to-face video chat adds an entirely new dimension to tech help with the ability for customers to show our Thinknicians the problem clearly, on camera.

At We Got This, we truly “get it” and every Thinknician team member is here because they really enjoy helping people with technology… and they’re good at it!

Now that’s different!


We have been working hard to anticipate possible client concerns in order to truly take the stress out of technology.  Below we share our responses to those questions.

1. What is the average time and cost of a call to We Got This? What should I expect?
We offer per minute rates, but because of the wide range of questions and problems that We Got This handles, there really is no average time/cost per call. To explain, a call for advice may take just a few minutes, as could our help with removing that strange icon from your desktop. But, if you want help installing a wireless printer or setting up a home network, that will take more time. What we CAN promise is that that the most you will ever pay for a call is $45, even if your fix takes longer.

2. Are your services guaranteed? What if you still can’t help me $45 later?
It’s rare that we can’t help someone, but since charges aren’t tallied until the end of a call, you’ll either be enjoying technological happiness, or you won’t be charged.

3. I’m worried that I won’t remember everything that was said if I call in for product advice. Can someone send me the details?
Absolutely. We don’t expect you to know shorthand, or try and remember all the details. In fact, we send out re-cap emails at the completion of every call, to be sure that you have all the information you need.

4. How do I choose the best person to talk to?
You can scroll through the app to learn details about each person, or filter results by their area of specialty, which is posted along with their photos to help you decide. But don’t stress too much; this is about relieving your stress! All of our Thinknicians are talented professionals who have been carefully chosen because they are also good at communicating and explaining things, so you really can’t go wrong!

5. What if I have more than one technology problem to discuss? Can I talk to the same person?
Of course you are welcome to stay with the Thinknician you’ve chosen for more than one topic of conversation in a row, however each topic is treated/billed separately. Time and payment calculations for the first topic will be calculated before the clock is reset for your second question. Just let your Thinknician know you have multiple topics when you call in.

6. Do you receive kickbacks from the products you recommend?
Absolutely not! We are completely independent, not affiliated with any companies or store chains. We make our recommendations based on what we believe best suits your needs. Plus, we don’t sell any products, we only help and make recommendations.

7. How secure am I when I’m on video chat with one of your people? What sort of privacy rules do you have in place so I know that I am safe?
We truly care about our customers and your privacy is of the utmost importance to us. Our Thinknicians are carefully screened and background checked professionals, plus all calls are recorded. Additionally, your personal details and information are not directly available to our Thinknicians.  If you ever have a concern, just get in touch and we’ll do a complete investigation.

8. What payment types do you accept?
You’re welcome to use a major credit card or Paypal.


Diane Collison - Founder

Diane is the brains and heart behind We Got This. 

Diane has enjoyed a lifelong love affair with technology and at just 19 years old she started working as a computer programmer for live television results at the Olympics. From there, she then went on to work the next 4 consecutive Olympic games. During college she also worked live television results for a Presidential election and spent a summer installing television hardware in twenty NFL stadiums. Diane obtained her MBA in Technology Management from the UW Foster School of Business. This expertise means that she’s the one her friends, family and co-workers ask for help with their technology questions, which led her to realize that there is a real need for a service app like We Got This. Today, Diane is the 747 and 767 Integrated Scheduling Team Manager at The Boeing Company and the driving force behind We Got This. She is a true people-person and this, combined with her technology savvy and team management skills, helps set the stage for an entirely new vision of technology help. Outside of work Diane sticks to the fun side of technology… video games! She also admits to a life-long love affair with everything Disney. But… Who Are “We”? Once the funding is complete, the software is developed and all the details are rolled out, Diane can put her team of talented Thinknicians in place. Currently, the “we” supporting We Got This are hired guns who believe in this project; the Software Developer who will also create the future website, database, android and Apple apps; and a Writer/Creative Consultant who is in place to help with all future marketing, advertising and branding.


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