W2 Devices LLC


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Quick Pitch

The Mobile Password Vault

A USB device which intelligently monitors which web site you are visiting and enters your correct username and password required.

Our goal is to create a small device you can carry in your pocket which contains all your passwords & credit card information in a highly encrypted format.

In the event of a fire, flood, or other natural disaster, all your information is contained on a usb sized device accessible only to you.

Using one touch, it looks at the web site you are trying to log into, and enters your username and password.  No need to remember 10 or more passwords for all your web sites!

We have created a working prototype and with your help, we will receive the funding to go into full production!

Key Features

The Mobile Password Vault (or MPV) is a USB thumb drive sized device which plugs into a PC, Tablet or Cellphone USB port.

Here is a picture of our first device constructed on a PC board:

It intelligently monitors which web site you are visiting and at the touch of a button enters the correct username and password required.

The MPV device may also transmit the data to the site via Bluetooth and or Ethernet instead of the USB for this task. (USB is our first task)

The device may also be used to store your credit card information and at the touch of a button, quickly recall the information as needed.

All data is encrypted during transfer and only when you have been authenticated, will it decrypt your data and apply it to the web site you are on.

One additional benefit, is that in emergency situations (Power Outages etc), you can be assured that all you account information is safe in your pocket.

The software to access the MPV device is completely customizable and requires only one password to be remembered and entered to gain access to all the data contained on the device.

The first version will store over 50 web login accounts or credit card records

We have created a working prototype and with your help, we will receive the funding to go into full production!

Here is a picture of our first protoype:

A few screenshots from the PC software we created:

Traction and Funding Needs

We have designed the circuits, pc boards and created three working prototypes.
They work GREAT! 

We would like to sell lots more, but unfortunatly we lack the funding to hire an assembly site to start creating 100's (maybe 1000's) of these devices.

About the Business and Team

Daniel Winsor
I am a software engineer who has been developing code for 30 years.
I've also worked with some of the best toy inventors in the industry and help create toys such as Tickle-Me-Elmo, Talking G.I. Joe.

Jean-Paul Wakim
I am a hardware engineer who designed circuits used by police, fire & military organizations around the globe.


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