Tenas Lake Mining


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According to the World Gold Council, 2012 annual global gold demand measured on a value basis increased to an all-time record of US$236.4bn which was 15% higher than the average for the previous five years. In addition, gold prices are cuurently over 3 times higher than in 2005 and expected to reach above $1,500 in the near future.

With the increase in the price and demand of gold, Tenas Lake Mining, LLC would like to take advantage of this as we operate a 240 acre parcel of land in the Valdez Creek area in Alaska, known as the Tenas Lake Project. The Tenas Lake Project is expected to run for an eleven year period which started back in 2011. Geological data is present to prove that gold is in the area. Our prospecting efforts on our site revealed gold fines in all areas on the surface and down to 18 feet where the gold content increased from fines to larger nuggets in a quantity matching and exceeding the average gold yield in the valley of .0375 ounces per yard of material.

This provides us solid prospects to warrant continuing operation. And with the modern equipment available now, we should be able to catch a far higher volume of previously uncatchable pay materials.


Our current achievements include the backbone items necessary for a start up mining operation.

Road access to our claims

  • Set up a mining camp which includes the living quarters, portable garage and toilet facilities
  • Drainage ditches driveways with culverts were constructed for the purpose of removing muddy water from our wash plant and into our settling ponds.
  • Tenas Lake Mining has in place a current mining permit (# 30733) allowing us carry on an active mining program at any time we choose.
  • Preliminary testing for gold content was done using a small mining equipment showing good results.
  • Our company has invested in the necessary startup equipment needed to support startup operation.

Gold Mining in Alaska

Nearly all of the large and many of the small placer gold mines currently operating in the US are in Alaska. Alaska currently produces more gold (in 2007: 673,274 troy ounces form placer deposits) than any state except Nevada. In 2007, gold accounted for 15% of the mining wealth produced in Alaska.

Alaska produced a total of 40.3 million troy ounces of gold from 1880 through 2007. With the three-fold increase in the price of gold over the past five years, mining in Alaska is at an all time high.

Meet Our Team

Raymond Caldwell, President/General Manager

Provides overall project management including claim maintenance (interaction with Alaska’s Department of Natural Resources, Fish and Game, Army Core of Engineers and MSHA, the mining safety programs), general seasonal planning and implementation, on-site management including start up procedures, day to day operations, refining, sales and seasonal shut down and end of season reporting.

Mary Howe, Vice President

An alternative emotional healer with a background in EFT- Emotional Freedom technique, NLP- Neuro Linguistic Programing, Time Line therapy, Hypnotherapy and Life Coaching. Mary works with clients both individually and in workshops, Mary specializes in helping those suffering with depression, anxiety and stress, the abused and their abusers, and those dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). She also offers guidance as a Life Coach.

Kyle Vataha, Board of Director, Investor

Has nine years of business and securities' valuation experience in the context of income, estate and gift tax; corporate restructurings; development and administration of equity incentive plans and buy/sell agreements; transaction fairness and leveraged recapitalizations; litigation support; and financial reporting.


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