TekBridge Media LLC

Make learning and teaching fun again!


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TekBridge Media:
Fast Facts

It is time to have fun when learning!

Every student and educator know that the pandemic has caused a wide confusion regarding education going forward. Few of us know what this really means. Our company believes we do.

TekBridge Media’s mission is to create a global curriculum that makes it interesting to teach and fun for the students to learn and explore. TBM’s YOKE is the DNA and delivery method and the collaborative tool for students and educators reach each other worldwide for education.

TekBridge Media also wants to use part of the technology to creatre a global "pen pal" for students and Educators.

Yoke is the foundation for our global initiative to treat everyone loke a Global Citizen.

 Attached to Yoke, are the apps which make it fun to learn new skill sets for a global curriculum.

The goal is to extend the reach and richness of education to all, especially those that are less fortunate i.e., third world countries.

Furthermore, to create agent – change the wealth of and joy of education for all.

TBM will provide original and “legacy” content, to enhance and optimize the quality of education, for students and educators on a worldwide basis.

The concept would look like “office for education”.

Global Curiculum

Our mission is to create a new "global curriculum" and education system that takes advantage of a core set of new and innovative tools, technologies, cababilities and practises focused on the ability  to share in a collaborative manner original and "legacy" content to enhance and optimize the the quality of education for students and educators on a worldwide basis.

Faculty and students are missing out on opportunities to collaborate on ideas, projects and research with a broader academic network.

While some may cobble together solutions, like Facebook Groups or Trello, there isn’t a platform dedicated to these institutions.

Connecting colleges around the world

By creating a "global curriculum", we will be able to make fun to learn and teach again, but it also creates a site for global collaboration. TBM will attach apps created for sole perpose of learning by playing.


Key Features

Yoke.com will benefit from a simple Danish design.

It will be a quick and easy place to see what’s new in education today.

Traction & Accomplishments

While we are still in the pre-revenue, development phase, we have spoken to potential users who want to know when we’re launching yoke.com.

We’re currently in conversations with:



Meet Our Founder

Peter Albertsen, Founder & CEO, has been a serial entrepreneur since graduating from Winthrop University. Have, however been employed in several start ups along the way. Peter has experience in worldwide digital asset management and has done work for the White House, the World Bank and IPG

Peter thought of a new technology of other collaborative alternatives for educational collaboration, based on his extensive experience in Digital Asset Management (DAM).

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