Talon power cables

The last pair of jumper cables you should ever have to buy Ca...


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What We Do

Talon Power Cables builds innovative new after market auto parts and accessories. We are also going to be making other products that will run off of our Power Cables.

How It Works

This product is a new approach to an old problem; With this product you never need to worry about where your jumper cables are. Did someone borrow them, did you loose them, are the cables in your trunk tangled or broken, tied up in all the other things in your trunk, and are they long enough to reach the vehicle you are trying to help ? With Talon Power Cables all these problems are solved. Talon is attached to your vehicle, you cannot loose, lend, or barrow them. They cannot get tangled or broken. They can easily reach what you are working with as this set of cables are 30+ feet long and on self retracting spools for easy use. They can be mounted in any location on your vehicle where space allows. With these cables attached to your vehicle you never have to open the hood. You are not exposed to under hood dangers such as fan belts, battery acid and moving parts.

Why Buy / How We're Different

I feel that this product will sell simply because of the problems it will solve with traditional cables. My target market is anyone who drives a motor vehicle, and as we all know; the auto industry is a HUGE market.

History, Traction, & Why We're Raising

I had this idea for about 20 years never did anything with it, until just a few years back my mother in her late 60, had a vehicle that needed a jump often usually when she was out and about alone. I was concerned about her safety alone on the road ,under the hood are fans and belts a battery that can shock her and battery acid, and did she even have her cables; were they usable or broken; could she even get to them? That's when I started working on this in earnest. A this point what I have is the prov. patent and the prototype on my truck.All the research is finished.


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