Spry, LLC

Immobility is just a state of mind


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When you suffer an immobilizing injury, it can feel like the end of the world—or at least your social calendar. You try to get used to the idea of hunkering down on your couch for your recovery with just your computer for company, as the rest of the world goes on without you.

We make equipment that is as on-the-go as you are. Don't limit yourself to the couch during rehabilitation.  Get back to work, school or just get out. Be as mobile as you want to be.

SPRY, LLC makes innovative, durable medical equipment (DME) and mobility aids to match people's busy lifestyles, whether they need a short-term rehabillitation solution or a long-term mobility aid.

Too often, injured and mobility-challenged people accept whatever low-quality, uncomfortable, difficult-to-use equipment the hospital or local pharmacy gives them. At SPRY, we provide solutions that integrate effortlessly into users' busy lives, so they don't miss a beat.

Meet the SPRY Knee Cruzer: a user-friendly crutch alternative for people with ankle and foot injuries.

  • "Knee walker", similar to scooter or a mini-bicycle
  • Patented "tadpole" frame design
  • More stable and comfortable than any other crutch substitute
  • Best-in-class knee walker in both New Zealand and Australia

Whether you're going to use our products for a while, or you just need a short-term rehab solution, SPRY is committed to providing you with the best possible experience:

Best-in-class design driven by YOUR needs rather than the common "cost is king" approach

Outstanding customer service and product support

Improvements and adaptations that ensure your mobility aid is the very best the market can offer

Still not convinced? SPRY has the traction that proves we can deliver on our promise of elegant lifestyle solutions for your rehab and mobility needs.

Brand recognition: People ask for SPRY by name.

Availability: SPRY Knee Cruzers and rollators are already on the market, with 3500 units sold in the US, Australia and New Zealand

Manufacturer Interest: We are in talks with the largest durable medical equipment manufacturer in the world.

Representation: Building a national independent sales team

Partnerships: SPRY Knee Cruzers are sold through Amazon.com, Wayfair.com, Pinnacle Medsource and Sisters of Providence Hospital System.

SPRY's President and Founder, Bob Cesena, entered the world of durable medical equipment manufacturing over 7 years ago. It all began with a hand therapy table that was designed in a vaccum. It was difficult to assemble, heavy, hard to adjust and very expensive.

One sales call in particular brought about the development of the Knee Cruzer and eventually SPRY.

"Thanks for showing me the table, but what I really need is for you to fix this!" the manager said, while pointing to the remains of a knee walker sitting in the corner of his office. It had been rewelded several times, was visually unappealing and looked very unstable. I asked to take the knee walker for evaluation.

After product evaluation, market and manufacturing research, I quickly realized that the durable medical equipment industry had been slow to build products that focused on enhancing the end user experience. Most were built to satisfy reimbursemsent, not performance and lifestyle.   

But, Bob knew that in order to continue his march toward improving an industry, he needed a vehicle for product development (an investor) and a proper identity. With IP and manufacturing relationships in hand, he set out on his own. Not long after, he was courted by an investment firm and together they created what is now SPRY.

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