Smooth 8

A revolutionary alkaline antioxidant water. Purify any drink with 10 dr...


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Quick Pitch

Most people have no idea that the water and other beverages out in the market that we drink today are dangerously acidic. Why should we care? Because experts tell us that high acidity in the body could be the cause of many illnesses, from diabetes to cancer.

Fortunately, you can make your water better — less acidic, more alkaline and safer to drink. Just a few drops of Smooth 8 kills bacteria and purifies every sip without the need for expensive filters. Smooth 8 can even help you lose weight and gain energy.

The pH Scale Explained

What is pH Scale?

The pH scale is how we measure how acidic or alkaline something is. Foods like soda, coffee, lemon juice and vinegar are acidic. But what exactly do acidic and alkaline mean? Well something that is acidic has a low pH, anything from 0 up to pH 7 is acidic, and anything above 7 up to 14 is alkaline.

How does the pH level of our body affect our health and well being?

The body has to have a balanced pH like most living things on earth or it does not function correctly. The alkaline level is very important because research has already proven that disease cannot survive in an alkaline state and yet they thrive in an acidic environment.

So if you have a health problem, most likely you are acidic. Research shows that unless the body's pH level is slightly alkaline, the body cannot heal itself. So, no matter what type of modality you choose to use to take care of your health problem, it won't be as effective until the pH level is up. If your body's pH is not balanced, you cannot effectively assimilate vitamins, minerals and food supplements. Also, when our bodies are too acidic, they create protective “fat buffers” to defend against the extensive damage from all that acid.

Product and Key Benefits

Smooth 8’s proprietary process enables us to offer alkaline water with a high pH level of 9.9. The highest in the market. Smooth 8 is also a powerful antioxidant with an antioxidant rating of -403 which is what makes it so great for purifying water. To put that into perspective, fresh coconut water has an antioxidant rating of -29 and you would have to drink (8) eight ounce glasses to equal (1) eight ounce glass of Smooth 8. Our water drops are clinically proven to kill bacteria and purify your water — without chemicals, synthetic additives or preservatives of any kind.

Aside from killing harmful bacteria Smooth 8 also offers several health benefits such as:

Detoxing Capabilities. Smooth 8 Cleansing Water Drops with its alkaline level of 9.9, naturally neutralizes all the acidity in your beverages with just a few drops. The result is a soothing, tasty alkaline drink, stocked with powerful antioxidants that will help you remove stored acids and toxins from your body.

Drinking this water every day can reduce your body’s acidity, promote weight loss and help you stave off disease.

Weight Loss and Maintenance. When you drink Smooth 8′s super-hydrating, alkalizing water, your body leaps back into balance. Alkaline molecules release the stored acids in your cells and organs, and your excess body fat melts away. The effect can be especially dramatic if you typically spend your days relying on highly acidic beverages like coffee, soda, and energy drinks to stay awake.

The bottom line: Smooth 8 Cleansing Water Drops neutralizes the acidity without creating fat cells. Now that’s refreshing.

Gain Energy. Smooth 8 Cleansing Water Drops help your body maintain a proper pH balance. This balance extends the time you can work out before muscle fatigue begins to set in and minimizes cramps during “cool down.”

Athletes who use Smooth 8 Cleansing Water Drops report reduced muscle soreness, shorter recovery times and no “crash” like they get from many sports drinks.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult a properly trained medical practitioner for medical advice.

What They're Saying

“As a big coffee drinker, I found that adding a few drops of Smooth 8 to my coffee not only made it taste much less bitter, but it kept my stomach from feeling uneasy, even if coffee was the first and only thing I consumed in the early morning. As I continued to use Smooth 8, I noticed subtle positive changes in my body and my state of mind, too. My stomach was flatter, and I found myself having a lot more natural energy.”

– Kiera Doyle 

“Smooth 8 is my saving grace! I recently gained 15 lbs from a combination of overeating, alcohol and lack of exercise. I decided to commit to a disciplined regimen of exercise and dieting. Although I felt better, after a month I could not drop any of the weight I had gained. Frustrated and ready to give up, I decided to give Smooth 8 a try as a diet aid. I added Smooth 8 drops to my morning coffee and throughout the day in my water. That was three weeks ago and I have lost a total of 7 lbs, am retaining less water weight and have more energy. I am curious to try the other methods of uses Smooth 8 offers and will let friends and family know about this great product.”

Isabel Del Valle 

“As someone who practices yoga, dances, and is very conscious of my health, I realize that the quality of the water I drink is very important, in addition to everything else I put into my body. I tried Smooth 8 Water Drops for a month using the prescribed dosage – putting it in everything from green tea, tap water, and red wine – it softened the taste of everything I put it in! I also noticed I felt healthier, and more hydrated than usual. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in improving their current state of health.”

Emily Hertz

“Just about every condition I can think of, from arthritis to diabetes to cancer, is associated with acidity. It is no coincidence that many of our modern habits, such as alcohol consumption, smoking, eating sugar and stress, all tend to increase acidity. The only parts of our body that are supposed to be acidic are the contents of the stomach, the skin and perspiration. Virtually everything else is supposed to be at least slightly alkaline.”

Dr. Robert C. Atkins, Cardiologist

“Alkaline water programs contain a whole new way of looking at diet and nutrition. When followed, it leads to a healthy, lean, trim body and an enhanced level of wellness, energy and mental clarity most people have not experienced previously.

“Based on years of research and observation, we have concluded that over-acidification of the body is the underlying cause of all disease. Because many people consume a diet primarily comprised of acid-forming foods, (e.g. sugars, meat, dairy, yeast breads, coffee, alcohol, starches) rather than whole plant foods, they are frequently sick and tired.

“In my experience, alkaline water supercharges your nutritional program better than anything. Water is the key and alkaline water is the best water I know of. Anyone who gives it an honest try will experience it in their own health, without question!”

Dr. Dave Carpenter, Naturopathic Physician



We've already made a lot of headway into bringing our product to the consumers. Here's what we've accomplished so far:

Meet Our Team

For Keven Suttle and Enrique Florendo the conception of Smooth 8 was a means to turn the idea of well being into something tangible. It's not difficult to live a healthier smarter life. We have created a life-changing product that is based on groundbreaking science.

                                                           Keven Suttle                                


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