School Support Network


Private Fundraise

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On a nationwide scale, schools are experiencing 10%(+) deficits in their budgets. This leaves over $86 billion to be funded outside of public dollars.

With traditional fundraising methods, it’s difficult to constantly come up with new ideas and get others involved.

School Support Net ® was created to be an online solution to public school funding, turning fundraising into an easy way to provide year-round results for members. 

Our Product

School Support Net®, is a fundraising platform that provides free, fundraising tools for schools, supported by a discount membership network.  

Schools create fundraises to sell monthly memberships to the discount network, which is comprised of local businesses.  

The schools keep 85% of the revenue generated by the sale of the memberships.

Team and Company

Mark Kramme - Chairman and President

Mr. Kramme is currently the Chairman of the Board, President for MLG Capital Inc. He has developed company programs to deploy Mr. Kramme spent considerable capital building and learning internet marketing solutions that led to the development of

MLG Capital Inc., through it website, School Support Net ®, headquartered in Sherman Oaks, California, is the leading online marketplace connecting consumers, with local Business Professionals.

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