Sava Learn

Educational VR/AR Content Platform


Private Fundraise

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Sava Learn is an educational startup that brings relevant learning material to all students through powerful VR/AR storytelling and engaging learning experiences.

We don't need to wait for the future - potent educational VR/AR content already exists today that many experts believe has the potential to change learning more than anything since the Industrial Revolution.

Unfortunately, parents and educators in both the public and private sectors have few resources to integrate these incredible tools into learning environments. The market has a strong need for buisnesses that help educational institutions not only set up and optimize VR/AR hardware for the classroom, but can help curate relevant content into useful teaching curriculum. 

We aren't here to simply create more educational tools. We're here to change learning itself. 

Why Sava?

While other VR/AR players tend to focus on creating another new piece of content or hardware, we have a different vision. Sava is tackling the curation and distribution problem first, and developing the solutions educational institutions need to actually implement the game changing tools that already exist. However, creating origional content is on radar too - stay tuned!


Where we are now:

Sava has completed the first portion of its Validation and Experience Testing, which was self-funded. Now we are looking for partners who are not only interested in financially investing, but also believe in Sava's vision and will contribute through consulting and buisness development.

Phase 1: Validation and Experience Testing [COMPLETED]

Sava spent 2017 Q4 and 2018 Q1 establishing relationships with a variety of schools in the greater Atlanta area, both in the public and private sectors. These educators have provided extensive feedback into the teaching difficulties they face that VR/AR can imminently solve, along with giving insight into the ways already existing VR/AR experiences might be most easily implented into current teaching methods and systems.

Phase 2: Seed Funding

Sava is asking for its first round of funding to:
- Build out the Minimal Viable Product of the Sava VR/AR platform.
- Complete full semester experience testing in 3 different partner schools.

The Pitch Deck:


Sava Pitch Deck v5.2.pdf

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Daniel Bowman - Founder/CEO

Entrepreneur, Educator and Story Creator 

Over the past decade Daniel has built and managed three successful businesses in the media and film industries, in addition to working as a television and commercial producer for clients like Sony and NBC. His passion is storytelling and envisioning how we can better the world through story-centered learning. His experience in teaching doesn't end with his own work as a speaker and consultant - he comes from a long line of educators, including his spouse Elizabeth, a life long public school teacher, who is also a Sava consultant and board member.

Chris Kowal - Boardmember and Consultant

Business Strategy and Digital Development Consultant 

Chris is currently the President of Fuel Automation Energy Technology at Simon Group Holdings and brings decades of strategy and business development experience to Sava. He previously served as the Vice President of Stardock Corporation, overseeing the development of expansive software development projects, which included VR partner projects for clients like Intel and AMD.

Tommy Ruth - Boardmember and Consultant

Educational and Storytelling Consultant 

Tommy is currently the CEO of Malt Maker Media and has the unique credentials of holding three Masters degrees, including ones in both Education and Digital Storytelling. His background spanning over a decade in higher education along with extensive experience in the media industry give him unique insight and have been invaluable in developing a holistic vision for Sava.

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