Pure Body Awareness

Live an active Lifestyle, and maintain balance with natural...


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Our Mission

First to create awareness that rids our customers, employees, affiliates and partners from what is commonly known as the six basic fears in “life”.

  1. Fear of Poverty
  2. Fear of Old Age
  3. Fear of Criticism
  4. Fear of Lost Love
  5. Fear of ill health
  6. Fear of Death

As well as the Six symptom of Fear of Poverty

  1. Lack of Ambition – Laziness
  2. Indecision
  3. Doubt – Excuses
  4. Worry – Fault Finding
  5. Overcautious – General negative thinking
  6. Procrastination

Our chief aim as an organization is to bring a deeper awareness of who we are as human beings. Establishing a fundamental awareness on how one can heal themselves from any physiological, emotional, mental and physical disease.

Our goal is to bring balance to an old but new paradigm, making traditional plant medicine practical for the treatment of symptoms and ailments for all. Assisting with the facilitation of healing and end suffering

We are also empowering the indigenous population of the amazon by establishing awareness across the globe, concerning the injustices taking place within the territories of the Amazon Rainforest.  The deforestation of the Amazon, for oil and lumber as well as bio-pirate of the pharmaceutical companies, that pay enormous amount of “federal reserve note” as well as natural resource (gold and silver) to monopolize the medicinal industry’s.



  • Residual income vs. Linear – Base on the Clock
  • Set your schedule
  • Lower your taxes
  • Can eventfully earn percentage of entire business revenue
  • No Large Start up Costs
  • Stress Free Business
  • Work From Home
  • Fun And Exciting
  • No Experience Required
  • Control Your Income
  • 50,000/year or more
  • Tax benefits – use monthly purchase as write-offs and may be 100 percent tax deductable
  • Visa debit card

Pure Body Awareness markets its "Botanical" products via its website as well as a direct marketing network of independent resellers.

Beyond the merchandising of its products, and fitness boot camp and personal training, Pure Body Awareness promotes a lifestyle of wellness that is based upon providing both products and classes as well as information online that educates customers with the benefits of using its proprietary blend of “nutraceuticals” as a natural alternative to pharmaceuticals for treating and preventing physical diseases along with living an active health lifestyle

Pure Body Awarness "BootCamp" is part of the "Pure Body" family in assisting in bringing a geater awareness on how to live a healthier life by establishing outdoor/indoor obsticle course style boot camp classes, creativity being a major key factor, always keeping our clients guessing.

Boot Camps and Personal Training will be marketed via its website @ BootCampAwareness.com and will be held in three state ( NYC, Charlotte, NC and Miami, FL area).




Proceeds will be used to increase our manufacturing rate of productivity by upgrading machinary needed to expand our workforce and "touch" more people.

In order to give more, we need more......


Key Features

Solving the Health Crisis In America with Amazonian herbs...

The degenerative health problems in the US are sky rocking 61% of Americans are overweight and 27% are medically obese.

The five leading cases of death

  • Heart Decease
  • Cancer
  • Stroke
  • Adverse Reaction to Prescription Drugs
  • And Hospital Infections

The demand for nutritional solutions is at an all-time high! Why?

Aside from unhealthy eating habits, the nutritional content of foods commercially available today do not meet our body's nutritional demands.

National surveys show almost 50% of the population regularly consume vitamins, mineral or herb supplements to fill the gap. 

The Pure Body Botanical product line consists of 90 supplement products, a “Stress Killer” and “Skin Therapeutic” packages, facial products, bathing products, herbal teas, and even toothpaste all derived from the revitalizing extracts of Amazon rainforest plants.

Pure Body Botanical customers will be guided towards the selection of the right supplement products through its online assessment tool that also provides informational links that describe the health benefits for each of the supplement products as well as rainforest plan or natural herb that they are extracted from.

About the Business and Team

Seth Ducuryew
Founder & Chief Executive Officer

Seth has been a student of “healthy living” all of his life, in his personal quest and professional experience in blending science, fitness, and nutrition to achieve a healthier lifestyle. Along the way, Seth has accumulated practical business knowledge and experience through his various mentors and experiences which has given him the vision and skills to launch Pure Body Botanicals.

Curtis Bruce
Chief Operating Officer

Curtis Bruce came to be COO of Pure Body Awareness as part of a journey for unconventional wisdom that began 19 years ago.  All of his studies prepared him with a base of knowledge that made it simple to transition into natural herbal botanicals.  Bruce's path of acquiring knowledge eventually led him to the study of the human anatomy and its ability to heal itself under the right conditions. This fostered his passion for preventing the cause of illness rather than searching for cures.

Carlos Zabarain
Director of Marketing

Carlos immediately entered the sales environment and started developing skills as a sale professional entering the workforce at eighteen. Carlos worked as a Precious metals broker and in successfully doing so he got promoted to floor manager grew with the company then shortly became marketing manger. Threw his experience with high valued clients and astute colleagues he learned and developed the skills on how to operate and run a successful business from the ground up.He always had passion for health and wellness and began growing an affinty for natural holistic healing. As a result he joined the team to support cause and build the company.


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