New York Studio Factory

Quality Workspace for Musicians


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C O M P A N Y  O V E R V I E W  

New, aspiring and independent recording artists are the backbone of the music industry.

Every artist - no matter how successful - starts in a garage, a basement or a  bedroom. But when it comes time to record their music, many artists can’t find a  suitable location. The cost of renting a loft or hourly studio is often out of reach for most artists, leaving them struggling to find a place to record their tunes.

Outside the music industry, the story is much the same. Other talented individuals have found themselves without a place to develop and perfect their craft, whether music-related or otherwise.

P R O B L E M  

Often the only option for artists looking to record music is to shell out hundreds of dollars per hour for studio time at a big recording studio.

The majority of commercial space available in New York City is devoted to traditional office tenants - renters who are perceived as having deeper pockets and the potential for long term leases.

Only a small fraction of lease-able space is available to musicians and recording artists due to the stigma of renting to “starving artists” and the perceived complications of noisy tenants.

S O L U T I O N  

New York Studio Factory solves these problems by taking control of large commercial buildings in culturally rich, emerging neighborhoods and providing musicians and videographers with professional, sound-  isolated spaces and a like-minded community.

We help musicians save money by allowing them to avoid paying heavy hourly fees for studio time, and help them make money by providing them with a professional studio environment that they can be proud to record in and bring clients to.

T H A T  S P A R K  C R E A T I V I T Y  

A C C E S S  T O  V I T A L  I N S T R U M E N T S 
A N D  M I X I N G  E Q U I P M E N T  

P R O M O T I N G  C O N N E C T I O N S  

New York Studio  Factory is the first physical social network devoted to democratizing the way music is made.

Musicians can connect electronically using our app, and collaborate face to face in our spaces.

I N D U S T R Y,  M A R K E T  S I Z E  A N D  T A R G E T  M E M B E R  

Music Studios, Shared Workspace, Co-working Community

Market Size
The music industry in the U.S. has seen massive growth  in recent years. The industry soared from a market size of $132 billion in 2015 - up from $97 billion in 2012.

According to the Department of Labor, musicians account for 10% of the U.S. population, and this number is expected to rise, with employment of musicians and singers projected to grow by 6% between 2016 and 2026.

Target Member
Professional, emerging, independent or established audio and video producers, mixing engineers, bands, composers and record labels; anyone making music or video in NYC.

W H O  U S E S  O U R  S P A C E S  

R E V E N U E  &  P R I C I N G  M O D E L  

We currently off monthly and annual memberships but envision an additional payment structure that will allow any artist to take advantage of everything New York Studio Factory.

The new payment structure involves a new concept called Studio Coins.

1 Studio Coin = 1 studio hour or 1 hour in our vocal booth.

Each coin will retail to NYSF members for a  base price of $23.44 -- $1.56 less than our standard pop-in hourly rate of $25 per hour.

W H O  E L S E  I S  O U T  T H E R E  

M E E T  T H E  T E A M  

W H A T  W E ’ V E  D O N E  A N D  W H E R E  W E ’ R E  G O I N G  

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