"NAT" A Sophisticated Beverage / NAT.COOL

"NAT" (no alcohol today) or MIXER


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What We Do

"NAT" (No Alcohol Today) A Sophisticated Beverage!

About a year ago I decided to lay off the booze for a while or at least limit my consumption.  As I associated with friends who are moderate social drinkers, I continued visiting various drinking establishments. So while I was out with friends I'd say "it's a NAT day for me".  This meant a “No Alcohol Today” day.  The phrase caught on and others began using it.  One thing you’ll notice quickly, when abstaining from alcohol beverages, there are very few non-alcohol drink substitutes to enjoy while you're out socializing.  Limited choices are: Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, Soda Water (all from a gun) or that awful fake beer stuff.  

While noticing this fact over the past year, I kept thinking about the “NAT” days and the question that I frequently asked myself: “why aren’t there any decent non-alcohol beverages to substitute for drinking cocktails”? This idea rattled around in my head for some time until I finally decided to develop the Sophisticated beverage line "NAT" myself!

How It Works

I decided that the perfect name for this beverage line will be “NAT”!

I believe there's a huge gaping hole in the "beverage market place" for such a sophisticated beverage line while the demand is very strong & very real.  Imagine the number of restaurants, bars, pubs and convenience stores, nationwide or even worldwide, who will now be able to satisfy their non-alcohol drinking customers with this cocktail like beverage.  These establishments can now enjoy profiting handsomely by offering such a sophisticated beverage line as "NAT"!

Now, I’m going to add a twist ! (no pun intended)

The original flavor choices will be three or four (plus diet versions).  They are specifically formulated to blend deliciously with your favorite brand named liquors. For an example, when I was abstaining from alcohol, I enjoyed “Bitter Lemon” which I believe is a Schweppes product.  The slight bitterness and sour finish gave me the feeling that I was drinking a "more sophisticated cocktail like drink" while garnishing the "cocktail glass" with a lemon or lime.  

One is more likely to sip "NAT" socially as you would a cocktail rather than guzzle it like a soda.  Also bitter lemon mixed great with gin or vodka.

"For marketing purposes only", promotional suggestions of alcohol mixed drinks could have names like: JaegerNat, GinnyNat, FlyingNat, FatNat, WildNat, BlackNat, One Eyed NAT and "well you’ve got the picture".

Anyway, I’m very excited about this "Beverage development Project" and it's potential for entering into the lives of social drinkers everywhere!!!

"Always keep a Good Nat-titude" & HAVE A “NAT DAY” ON US!!!


Why Buy / How We're Different

"NAT" - a 3 letter word is very noticeable, "BRANDABLE", easy to remember and extremely versatile in creating various catchy marketing programs.

Each "NAT" Beverage Can will have our own little character "Natty Nat" on the label. He's a very humorous cartoon version of a knat (think of Geico and their little Gecko Guy)! We all know that a knat is a little bug. This little bug character is going to have a "HUGE PERSONALITY" while being a GIANT part of the overall "NAT" marketing program efforts. For instance “it’s ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz-licious” or “keep a good NAT-itude” or "Hey NATS are people too" (well maybe not)!

The top flavors could be called: YellowNAT (citrus, natural sour blend), RedNAT (tart cherry), Orange NAT (bitter sweet orange), VitaNAT (the vitamin version) while SuperNAT will be the (energy drink). The Diet versions of each flavor will be "SKINNY NAT", (just some cool ideas).

I envision the label background colors depicting the beverage flavor with the "NAT" logo of our edgy little “NATTY NAT” character at the bottom of the label.

I also envision the taste as being a bit edgy (slightly bitter & slightly sweet) thereby having a more "cocktail like feeling on the tongue" as it's sipped.  It will definitely lend itself nicely as a mixer by adding one’s favorite liquor and including a fruit wedge or a twist

  • (a beverage formulation company is ready to begin mixing our formulations)

History, Traction, & Why We're Raising

"NAT" is a very BRANDABLE and exciting "New Sophisticated Beverage Line" about to be formulated, produced and released into the regional and then national beverage market place!

"NAT" is the new "Natural & Sophisticated Beverage" that comes in 3 dynamic natural flavors plus an energy and vitamin style drink.  A diet version of all flavors is also planned (Skinny NAT).  

"NAT" is being formulated as an excellent "Sophisticated Cocktail Replacement" for social drinkers who wish to socialize without consuming an alcohol drink.  "NAT" (No Alcohol Today) is also the perfect mixer for adding your favorite Brand Name Liquors for concocting the perfect "NAT-Tail" with a fruit garnish!  

Our target markets are: Restaurants, Pubs, Catering Event Companies, Convenience Stores, Grocery Stores etc.!  Our immediate plan is to launch our "Branded NAT Beverage Line" into the Charleston SC and surrounding area  markets initially. We intend to add new distribution markets as we grow and are able!  

Upon the anticipated acceptance of our new dynamic brand, we'll move aggressively into other statewide markets, nationwide!  

I'm reaching out for $80,000 of private investor funds to begin the full development and limited release of this awesome new "Sophisticated Beverage Line"!

We are already lined up with a "National Beverage Development & Distribution Company" to proceed immediately!  Fundable is an excellent platform for raising our startup capital and sharing our long-term visions.

This initial funding will allow us to achieve entry and success within the HUGE beverage industry marketplace!


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