Mosquito Steve


Private Fundraise

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Quick Pitch

Mosquito Steve is the authority on residential mosquitoes. He has created the world's most effective, yet safe flying insect repellent. It doesn't kill anything so we are loved by organic gardeners. Now, for the first time, the most effective product IS the safest product. We don't kill ladybugs and butterflies. Even better- we tested three times longer than DEET infield trials! AND we are consistently more effective than toxic poisons at getting rid of mosquitoes...AND FLIES! This is tried, true, and on the market now! We have a commercial product for misting companies and municipalities. We have retail products including on skin and area sprays.

Key Features

An entomologist in Houston said we had discovered the Holy Grail. We have finally created a product that not only works but is safe for families! We developed these products using years of field trials...human landing rates. This allowed us to constantly adjust our products to create the most effective solution. Most companies rely on lab testing which is not very accurate in its techniques. Many products have failed on the market because they developed them for the lab but they did not work in the field. I have had as many as 900 mosquito bites in one night, all with the motive of developing the most effective mosquito repellent on the market. Our product tested better than DEET, better than Burt's Bees, better than OFF, better than pyrethroids and better than Cutter!

About the Business and Team

I was the first guy to install misting systems from Dallas. In the process of doing that I realized there was a need for an inexpensive portable mister. I invented that, got a patent and got backers in 2006. The All Clear Mister is still as effective as most misting systems that cost 10 times more. In the research and development phase, I accidently discovered a repellent that was more effective than the toxic killing agents! I have been working on that since 2007. I breed mosquitoes in my back yard and do testing out there frequently.

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