Lyons & Sons Hauling

We are a small, family owned and operated delivery service f...


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What We Do

We work as independent contractors for 3rd party expeditors, delivering 'big ticket' items such as appliances, furniture, electronics, etc., directly to the consumers' residence or place of business. A few of the clients we plan to deliver merchandise for, indirectly, are Sears, Home Depot, and Ethan Allen.

How It Works

We operate a 26' box truck with a rear lift-gate and we service the central NC area within a 200-300 mile radius of Charlotte. My 19 yr old son and myself represent a team as driver and helper and have the skills, committment, and equipment to transport and install virtually anything. What sets us apart from other delivery companies is the personal service we provide when it comes to unloading, unpackaging and placement of the product. If the consumer has purchased a gas range for example, we remove the old one, place the new one, hook up the service to the range and test it for functionality. We even offer instruction to the consumer, if necessary, on how the product works and explain any features that they may not understand. We are a family owned and operated business committed to treating our customers like family as well.

Why Buy / How We're Different

The demand for independent contract delivery trucks has grown exponentially in recent years as many major manufacturers and retailers choose to outsource the delivery of their products as opposed to performing the service in-house. A few of the reasons are less liability for such large corporations which are much more vulnerable to litigation, and because it is much more cost efficient overall from an equipment, manpower and expense perspective. The third party expeditors we have been in negotiations with assure us that they have huge warehouses of product waiting to be delivered and have encouraged us to look into expanding our fleet as soon as possible. Their own estimates predict our gross income, operating a single truck initially to be in excess of $130,000 in the first year. Settlements are paid weekly.

History, Traction, & Why We're Raising

I formerly ran a very successful trucking business in Colorado between 1996 and 2003 and have recently become convinced that this is a golden opportunity for my family and the business community at large. I have three sons aged 19, 16, and 11 and would like to incorporate each of them into the business in time, if they choose. We have raised $16,000 of the $26,000 needed and will be able to generate revenue almost immediately. We honestly believe this is an extremely safe investment, not just because of our determination and integrity, but because I have been involved in the transportation industry for a number of years and recognize a niche that needs filled when I see it. There is little to no risk involved in this venture and the truck we have under contract could be on the road making money as early as Monday morning if we could secure the remainder of the down payment and sufficient working capital to get us up and moving. We have put a lot of planning into this project and have completed a detailed business plan which is available upon request.


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