We’ve all experienced it: that persistent, anxious little voice in the back of our heads that whispers: "What if ...?"
What if you’re involved in an accident, and whisked off to the hospital? Who would inform your family? Who would look after your animals? Who would know how to get hold of you, or even where you were?
Or, what if you were on the other side of the situation, anxiously waiting for information about a loved one, only the hospital doesn’t know where to contact you, or stops trying in the hectic craze of saving lives, and so the minutes stretch into to agonizing hours, with no way of knowing what’s happening, where to go, or who to contact for information?
Of course, we all want to believe it will never happen to us, but the question lurks in the back of our minds nonetheless—“What if ...? What if ...? What if ...?”
With iAlertID, our mission is to help put all the “What ifs” to rest with a simple answer:
When it happens, if it happens — help is always just a single phone call away.
iAlertID is a new emergency identification and contact support service dedicated to making peace of mind easier, more affordable and more accessible than ever before — 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days per year.
iAlertID gathers all of the essential contacts and medical information for you, your loved ones, even your pets, into a secure database, where it can be accessed quickly and efficiently whenever its needed (see www.ialertid.com for more).
When an emergency occurs and an EMT, other medical professional—even a vet, if the loved one in question is a beloved family pet—sees your iAlertID wristband or tag, they make one phone call to the iAlertID Call Center and have instant access to any and all essential medical information—medications, allergies, family history—before they begin treatment.
As soon as that call comes in, the iAlertID Call Center support team will then set to work contacting your list of emergency contacts in the order that you list them and according to your instructions, to let them know what has happened to you, and where you are.
This is no automated notification system — these are real people at the phones, and they won’t stop trying to contact your loved ones until someone picks up on the other end. It's that level of personalization and immediacy that make iAlertID an emergency alert system unlike anything the United States has seen before!
iAlertID is the perfect solution for anyone and everyone looking for more a more immediate and comprehensive emergency ID and notification system, but here are a couple of groups we think iAlertID is particularly well suited to help:
For families, iAlertID is the perfect emergency ID and alert solution, letting you add the whole family's medical and contact information into one single, convenient, yet secure account. You can even create your own personal emergency plan to be put into effect should a disaster situation strike.
For businesses, iAlertID makes a great addition to employee healthcare packages, especially for employees who travel or have jobs that involve a high probability of accident or emergency. Particularly important for those hours when HR or Head Office is closed!
For schools and organizations, iAlertID is a great way to keep students and clients, their families and your organization on the same page when it comes to emergency notification and response.
For bikers, hikers, rock climbers and other adrenaline junkies, AlertID is a great way to give your loved ones—and yourself—peace of mind when you’re on the road, the mountain, the water, or wherever you get your adrenaline rush of choice.
There are other emergency alert systems on the market today—Road ID, Ride Safe and Life Alert come to mind—but they all leave something to be desired when it comes to comprehensive, reliable, affordable emergency information and notification services. Either their focus is too narrow, and they’re only aimed at certain niche markets, like cyclists or senior citizens, or they only offer one or two service or product options, or they’re too expensive to be a feasible option — or a combination of all of the above!
Only iAlertID offers the complete, comprehensive, easy-to-use emergency alert system you’ll want when the time comes -- at a price that won’t break the bank, in the meantime. iAlertID is:
The iAlertID system is a total emergency information and notification solution, complete with a secure database, 24/7 help center, ID products and phone app, so that when an emergency happens, you have the peace of mind of knowing that all the bases are covered.
The iAlertID system draws on the best that cutting-edge technology has to offer, without being too overly complicated for loved ones and medical professionals to use effectively when an emergency occurs.
Only iAlertID offers 24-hour-a-day, 7-days-a-week, 365-days-a-year support to you and your family (including pets) -- all for as little as $24.99 a year!
iAlertID's US origins go back to 2007, when husband-wife team and British transplants David and Anita Hasbury-Snogles came from from the UK to the USA to ride horses around the country for charity (see www.horsequestusa.org for the history), and what started out as a short-term adventure, mid-life crisis kind of thing ended with them staying in the US full-time.
Fast-forward a few years, and David and Anita were running a competitive trail-ride event called TREC. They needed to find a way to identify both horse and rider in competition, in case an accident should happen and ID was required, but they couldn’t find anything to fit the bill here in the States. They did find a product in the UK that was perfect for the job, so they got in touch with the UK company and long story short, David and Anita became the US & Canada division of Ride Alert. Now they're working to take the emergency ID and notification technology behind Ride Alert and make it available to anyone (equestrians and non-equestrians) who wants to give themselves and their loved ones the gift of peace of mind.
iAlertID has already made some great progress toward our goal of reinventing emergency ID and notification once and for all: an earlier version of the iAlertID system, called Ride Alert and designed specifically for the the equestrian community, has already taken root in the US and Canada, and iAlertID, is already up and running in the UK and other parts of Europe.
Now, the time is right to bring iAlertID to the USA, and that's where your help comes in!
With this crowdfunding campaign, we're hoping to raise $45,000 to fully launch iAlertID in the United States. With enough support, we expect to have iAlertID ready for launch in the next 3-4 months!
Here's a quick breakdown of how we'll use the money we raise through this campaign:
We have some great rewards lined up to thank you for supporting the iAlertID vision. Check out the side bar on the right-hand side of this profile to learn more about our support levels, make your pledge and claim your reward!
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