
Innovative fresh water creation technologies and solutions.


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InnovateH2O, Inc. commercializes and license technologies which will convert atmospheric humidity into potable water and enable sea/brackish and industrial/municipal wastewaters to be cost effectively treated and reused.

The world is running out of fresh water.

But that doesn’t stop us from wasting it. Fresh water is used, treated, and discarded in rivers -- eventually converted to salt water in the ocean, never returning back to the ground water table.

How do we stop this cycle?

With technologies that allow for contaminated, sea, and brackish water to be cost-effectively treated and reused as fresh water.

Introducing: InnovateH2O, Inc..

InnovateH2O has developed several basic platform technologies which allow saline (sea and brackish) and contaminated waters to be purified into freshwater -- at costs lower than current treatment systems.

These platform technologies can solve several global water issues:

Current water purification methods destroy the contaminants in water or use separation methods such as membranes -- which are known to foul & energy intensive.

We recognize that it’s more cost effective to concentrate and separate contaminants (dissolved salts, suspended matter, organic and inorganics) from fresh water.

Our platform is different:

Sea/Brackish water desalination:
Practiced in North African, Middle East and Asia Pacific regions by several global companies.

Frac water treatment:
Needed by companies in the oil and gas business.

Converting ambient humidity into drinking water:
Needed by military personnel, hikers, and people living in countries with inadequate drinking water infrastructure.

Removing Alkyl Fluorinated Contaminants from Water:
Alkyl fluorinated chemicals have been used in fire fighting foam, non-stick cookware, etc. These toxic compounds are now found in several sources of drinking water, such as Lake Erie, groundwater in several major cities, etc.

We’ve reached bench-scale testing and computer simulation of our platform technologies.

NextGen Desalaination Technology

Patents: 2 patents in the process of being filed as provisional applications. Full patent applications to be prepared and submitted in less than 1 year.

Partnerships: Several partnerships for different applications of the technologies in development.

Manufacturing: Systems manufactured in Erlanger, KY. Other potential distributors for this and other technologies will be established over the next two years.

Dr. Rakesh Govind - CEO
Experienced business manager.


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