Gaylord Discovery Center

Time for Adventure


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Quick Pitch

We have created a unique blend of Children's Museum, Science Center, and Play Zone.  All of our interactions must be fun FIRST so the kids will want to engage with them, and most importantly want to come back.  Yet it cannot sacrifice educational value for fun.  In our two years of operation we have proven that the proper selection and design for attractions, provides exciting exploration and purposeful play appealing to the entire family, even teens, that they love and return for often.

Key Features

Where can an entire family from 5 to 12 go and have FUN together.  Not the movies.  Not the arcade.  Not Mini-Golf.  Where can toddlers run, play, and socialize in Northern Winters?  Where can Teens learn truly valuable skills in Creativity, Problem Solving, and Innovation?

At Gaylord Discovery Center, we have been doing it successfully for over two years.

About the Business and Team

Execution is everything.  A good idea or concept executed poorly is not going to be successful.  A key to our execution is my background in manufacturing, mixed with my passion for education.  I have envisioned, designed, and built exceptional attractions to accomplish the grand tasks that I set for the business, all at a tiny fraction of what it should have cost.  Typical Children's Museums spend $3.5 million dollars to start-up largely due to construction of a new facility.  We have plenty of vacant property with affordable rent.  Just to stock the environment we provide could have easily cost $250,000.  I spent around $15,000.  However, we had to invest our Reserve funds of $20,000 on the Restrooms and Lighting, leaving us without a marketing budget.  The customers that have found us, love us and come back around 3-6 times per year.  But word of mouth is slow and the rest of community doesn't even know we are here.


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