FENIX Power:
Fast Facts
FENIX Power is unleashing a paradigm shift in how we think about energy storage, replacing a component with a service. FENIX Power will provide smart, small and serviceable batteries through a subscription program.
FENIX Power’s battery packs will never “degrade.” They will always be at peak performance and range, eliminate expensive whole-pack replacement, remove the battery cost from the vehicle cost, and enable manufacturers to produce lower-cost electric vehicles.
A Backwards View
of Batteries
Electric vehicle companies are treating the battery pack all wrong, and consumers are paying the price.
Today’s batteries are:
Current batteries must be serviced or replaced as a whole, even if only a single cell has gone bad.
This is like replacing the whole motor when a just spark plug needs to be changed.
It’s expensive and outdated.
As an example and added indicator of the problem we’re hoping to solve, Nissan recently announced that they’ll be increasing the price of a battery replacement on their Nissan Lead from $5499 to approximately $8500, despite a decrease in battery cost of the past few years.
This has some early adopters unhappy, and undermines the integrity of EVs as along term transportation solution. In fact, forums are full of early adopters wondering if the price increase just means that Nissan isn’t interested in replacing battery packs, and attempting to source 3rd party replacements. Their only other alternative is to buy a brand new Leaf for around the same price point.
That makes no sense.
Rethinking the
Battery’s Role
We have to stop considering the battery part of the vehicle.
Instead, consider the battery as part of the vehicle’s fuel.
FENIX Power offers a battery-as-a-service solution, allowing electric vehicle owners to have repaired or replaced only the component parts of the battery that need it. No more throwing the whole battery and replacing it to the tune of up to $20,000.
In rethinking what role the battery plays, we can make owning and driving electric vehicles more affordable and accessible to the public.
Modular Battery +
Monitoring Service
FENIX Power will break the battery down into logically sized and serviceable pieces. Our batteries can fit in a 8” cube. This module size allows for individual service of a poorly performing cell without replacing the entire battery.
Battery modules are both individually intelligent and cooperative when installed as a system. They will include a full, immutable service history of the battery, and they can both flag themselves for service, as well as remove themselves from service without impacting the battery pack as a whole.
Subscribers will have access to a level of pack-health data never before seen in an electric vehicle, and will have the ability to remove and replace modules (easily located with their indicator LEDs) with one of our service partners, with replacement cost included in the service plan.
The backend service will also be notified of such events and can ship a replacement module to the subscriber before the module is taken out of service, so when the subscriber removes a module, they will already have one to replace it.
The entire ecosystem will be built as a collection of specifications and protocols so any other battery manufacturer can license and participate in the ecosystem. Modules from disparate suppliers will be able to work together in a vehicles pack without issue.
Where to Begin?
We initially planned to build a number of products, including Chevrolet Corvette and Ford F-150 EV conversion kits, and then start on the Nissan Leaf battery pack replacement system and infrastructure.
Given Nissan’s announcement around their battery pack replacement costs, and the reaction from Leaf owners, we now intend to focus on this product first – an affordable battery pack replacement built on a modular structure, giving owners more information and control over their batteries then ever before.
We are currently taking preorders for these battery packs, and expect to be able to generate a significant amount of revenue on these preorders alone.
Traction &
Since founding FENIX Power, we have
Conducted three years of lean startup experiments testing various entry points into the electric vehicle marketplace and hunted for a consumer product entry point to fund research and development
Begun taking deposits on Leaf and Corvette products, with the goal of having 100s of Leaf deposits, and a few dozen of the latter by the time we go live
Participated in the Seattle Angel Conference in 2017, resulting in several mentions in Seattle tech blogs
Engaged with an international IP law firm and begun developing not only an IP strategy, but a long-term licensing and defense strategy to bring our solution to multiple manufacturers
Meet The Team
John Bysinger, Founder, Inventor and CEO
Responsible for business architecture, evangelism, sales, engineering and fundraising. Background in mechanical engineering, processes, computer systems, e-commerce, mobile networks, incident management, sales and market analysis.
Bill Bysinger, COO and Business Development
Responsible for organizational decisions, fundraising, evangelism, incorporation, due diligence and growth planning.
Multiple C-level and senior management roles, beginning with processing engineering for Hallmark, deploying the first mainframe timeshared data center on the West Coast, CIO for Aldus through the Adobe merge, and several decades working in Medical Information Systems in technology development and strategic consulting.
Serial entrepreneur of three technology startups, raising funds through venture capital and institutional financing. Long history of national and international business development.
Our technical team includes a battery engineering consultant with experience in battery chemistry and charging, and developing and building battery vehicles.
We also have a business process engineering and management consultant who has worked in business environments ranging from 10s of employees to 10,000s.
Orin Ozias has 25+ years at Dell Computers, from engineering intern through senior strategist for mobile solutions. He is a Corvette enthusiast currently advising two other startups, one related to new technology in LED lighting and another related to the tracking of hunting dogs.
Matt DuCoeur has spent a decade managing Microsoft's Hardware Group, responsible for physical product production for items such as keyboards, mice, peripherals, and other co-branded items under the MS brand. Currently manages a wireless tower colocation company in California. He is a motorcycle enthusiast, business founder, owner, and consultant.
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