Elite Products, LLC

We will always meet or exceed our customers needs


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Quick Pitch

We have a unique, eco friendly shampoo formula that deep cleans hair folicles, restores circulation, and reduces swelling caused by allergins, allowing hair to grow naturally. It also moisturizes and protects skin from the elements.  We guarantee it will work the first time, every time.

Our production relationships also afford us the ability to minimize manufacturing costs and turn around a high profit margin.

Key Features

Our shampoo deep cleans your scalp and hair folicles, removing body wastes and harmful leftovers from dyes, hair sprays, conditioners, and excess body oils that have built-up deep within the hair shafts.  These "left overs," environmental pollutants, and allergens etc. cause inflammation, and this inflammation reduces circulation to the hair follicles themselves. The end result is that hair stops growing or grows at a very reduced rate. Hair becomes brittle and thinner due to the lack of nutrition. Elite Hair Care deep cleans, dissolving and removing left overs, and remoisturizes the skin and hair follicles themselves. Swelling is reduced and circulation returns to normal flow allowing hair follicles to thrive and produce thicker, shinier and healthier hair. Some hair products contain medications that dilate capillaries forcing blood flow.  As soon as you stop using their products you're back where you started - not to mention the possible side effects associated with Minoxidil. It is an antihypertensive vasodilator medication which forces blood flow. Our products are Eco friendly and are not a medication laden soap with potentialy dangerous side effects.   Our philosophy is,  "Once you 'fix' the problem, the symptoms, like reduced blood flow and swelling due to debris and allergen buildup, will dissolve and simply go away."

About the Business and Team

I am a self-made chemist and have been a certified trainer of thoroughbred horses for many years. A major problem horses have, due to their extremely sensitive skin, is negative reactions to many cleaning agents.  Dish liquid will raise blisters on their skin if left on too long. Chemicals put on northern race tracks - to keep them from freezing - also cause severe irratation. Hot spots, dry skin and other allerges are a plague. So, I started playing around with differant combinations of soaps looking for a balance. Then I started experimenting with more of this and less of that and, hey, what if we add and so on. To make a long story short, I found it!. I have created a shampoo that deep cleans, moisturizes, and protects skin. Without all the drawbacks.

I had some solution made and tried it out on horses with hotspots, and it worked wonderfully. Then I tried attacking some other skin related problems. And, that worked as well.  So, I had 500 gallons made and started sampling-out the "shampoo" to other horsemen.  The suggestion was made to look into the pet market. So I worked on some rescued dogs that had skin problems.  It worked very well on them also. In fact we had a basset hound that was almost bald on his backside from hot spots.  He was ripping his own flesh due to the itching.  The vet at Banfield clinic saw this dog, and we told him we were going to try my shampoo on him. Three weeks later I took him back to the Vet. He was astonished at how well his skin looked and, that hair was growing back. So, my family said we found our hoola hoop.  My wife took some into a hair salon for them to try.   We were told that when we start production they would like to test market it in some of their stores. The owner of a local dog parlor also fell in love with the product. He stated that it also softens the bather's skin. This is a nice bonus.  My father and mother owned several bakeries, and will be taking care of the day to day bookeeping and art work.  My brother has been in sales/marketing off and on for five plus years.  My wife and I have both done production line work and warehousing. I have a two-year degree in business management and have been surrounding myself with people that can help lock things down. I have a CPA  and corporate Attorney to handle contracts, profit and loss, payroll, and accounts pay/receivable.

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