Crowdfunding consulting is the process of helping a company prepare for a rewards or equity crowdfunding campaign.

The demand for crowdfunding consulting has steadily risen as more and more companies utilize to raise the funding they need to start and grow their businesses. Consulting can help a company with the production of company collateral creation, marketing preparation, and guidance on other crowdfunding best practices.

Guidance to Avoid Common Obstacles

By modeling the best practices of successful crowdfunding campaigns, companies can avoid many of the common crowdfunding obstacles. Our team has helped hundreds of startups and small businesses prepare for the crowdfunding process.

Recent Crowdfunding Consulting Clients


ZPM Expresso - A Commercial quality expresso machine at a consumer friendly price.

Uncharted Play - Harnessing the power of kinetic energy to provide electricity for third world countries.

Decision Desk - Simplifies the college application process.

Ube Allows anyone to control their applicances from their SmartPhone.

Voila Chocolat - Retail locations to hand craft artisanal chocolates.

Crowdfunding Consulting Services

The services involved in our crowdfunding consulting services range from professional graphic design to business plan help and marketing preparation.