Remember when you were in college? Yes, I know that may have been a while ago but remember college football games, late night cram sessions and the transformation you made from a young freshman who did not know the difference between a lecture hall and the cafeteria, to the gradurating senior with multiple job oppurtuinies, life long friends and experiences that would never leave you. That is what college is about. Transformations and reineventions. And I'm going to venture to say that we all have had experiences trying to reinvent ourselves in the gym whether it be after a bad break up or to lose a few extra inches off the stomach. But when you went to the gym, what did you do? Run on the treadmill? Lift a few dumbells once or twice, or just go to the first machine that was open? If the answer is yes, you're not alone. The honest truth is that if you are a woman and have never played a sport, no one has ever taught you to lift for your body. Then you end up going to the gym with your male friends, who did not have the same goals as you, or reading the latest gym fad and trying that for two weeks only to see no results. But at Body by T Fitness, we want to change this.
Body By T Fitness is a rising personal training company that specializes in training college aged women. Based in Charlotte, North Carolina, Body By T Fitness almost exclusively trains college women for both weight loss or weight gain. More so, Body by T also works with high level clients such as fitness models and dancers that have quickly become the premier fitness company in the Charlotte area. Body by T Fitness also travels to different college areas putting on fitness seminars, expos and events throughout the year. Body By T Fitness has a fresh, yet youthful outlook on fitness within the college community and will soon be taking the college world by storm with your help!!
Body By T has numerous, yet affordable products and services for our customers. We have an array of personal training monthly packages, ranging from 1 to 16 sessions a month. When a client signs up for a personal training package, they get to attend two free Body By T events. This will be our secondary source of income as an orgnaization.
Body by Fitness events, seminars and expos will serve 200 to 500 people depending on the size of the events. We partner with other companies for sponsorships as well as provide vendors oppurtuiniteies to market to our clients. This event can produce up to $10,000 of revenue for all parties involved.
We will sell merchendise such as shirts, waterbottles, wristbands and backpacks at all of our events as well as on campus.
Body by T fitness has been exploring utilizing vitural training as we expand to different markets. This will allow us to never lose a client due to location. We will partner with Trainerize to provide our clients an excellent experience no matter where they are whether it be in New York, San Fransico or even across the world in Rome.
Body by T started in Janurary on the Campus of University of North Carolina Charlotte with one trainer and no clients or leads. Fast forwarding 7 months, Body by T is in the process of rebranding as Body by T Fitness and has served 25 personal training clients and 100 group fitness clients in the past 7 months. With our efforts to re-structure our buissness over summer, we are projecting to serve over 5,000 by the end of the year with the addition of our fitness semiars and expos, as well as our weekly group fitness classes and one on one peronal training session. Some of our other accomplishments include:
-Increased clientele through social media and networking with no invested capital
- Started company with initial investment of $500 investment and has produced a current return within first 2 months
-Eliminated overhead costs by opting to partner with apartment complexes
-Secured contracts with sororities to work events and become their personal training company.
Body By T Fitness currently serves the University of North Carolina at Charlotte campus. With your help, we plan to expand our organization to an array of different college campuses and universities in the state of North Carolina.
We are different because we provide a fresh, youthful outlook on fitness and personal training, while catering to the college market. Body By T knows what our target market wants and looks for with fitness training, because our team is essentially comprimised of college students. We are staffed with individuals that can be trusted, and have a fresh yet creative outlook on fitness. Our team knows what it takes to elicit results and keep students motivated. When you join Body By T, you become a family member. We encourage clients to become close through workshops, boot camps, fitness expos, and meet and greets!
Body By T is different because we essentially have personal trainers within your reach, without having to obtain a gym membership. It's as if we come to you. Our target market has a totoal of 10,000 women in a 5 mile radius of our location, and 20,000 within a 20 mile radius.
Social media is a big thing for college aged students, and that is how we have gotten to where we are today.
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