Blues Music Coffee Shop

Blues music themed coffee shop, for the people who love u...


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Quick Pitch

Open letter to you (a potential investor):

As our downtown has blossomed over the years, and with the help of the City of Las Cruces, the DLCP organziation and it's community, we're finally getting the downtown we deserve in Las Cruces, NM. With the support and help from some really good people (you know who you are). I'd love to add to this beautiful part of the city, a rare and unique coffee and espresso shop focused around blues music, serving fine espresso, coffee and tea drinks. (coffee roaster chosen, is a fair trade certified partner) Plus, delicious fresh pastries from legendary Las Cruces bakery “Leo’s Bakery”.

I have so much financially and emotionally invested into this project, all I want to do is get this coffee shop doors open ASAP! It's been seven months in the making, and I hit a big road block. Additional capital $$. I am trying to raise an additional $36,745 for the construction of two ADA compliant restrooms, some electrical, HVAC, plumbling and flooring. Most of these downtown buildings have been around since 1920, and all they need is some TLC to get them up to code and safe for people to patronize.

I have a strong written business plan with details of how I intend to run a sucessful coffee house. This detailed business plan includes the legal structure, revenue, market analysis of the city and area I want to conduct business. Highlights of the location and details about the physical structure. Plan also, includes how I plan to promote the business, how I plan to make a profit, products, services offered, management and team goals. I have a cost spreadsheet with the cost of every drink we produce, including the cup, sleeve, coffee beans, milk etc. Last, and extremely important is a 12 month projected income statement that is packed with details about revenue, cost of goods, operating expense, advertising cost, business insurance, taxes, payroll/accounting, supplies, repairs and maintenance, as well as net income profit and loss. My plan to build a strong business to be profitable and have a healthy cash flow is vital for the coffee shop that I plan to own & operate for decades as well as gain your confidence to invest in the idea. 

This is where you come in. If you would be so kind and great to pledge $25, $100 or $500 I will in return be eternaly grateful and ship you a cool incentive to show my appreciation for believing in the Downtown Blues Coffee project. Please see the three tier incentive program for more details.    

If the Downtown Blues Coffee, LLC flys like we think it will, we have plans to open our own coffee roasting company, hopefully in the downtown area. Please visit our website at

With my passion for blues music, coffee and the human race, we know we are destined for greatness!


Frank D Jaurequi

Product/Service Details

Downtown Blues Coffee will sell a three tier coffee membership or purchase by the drink, that includes four awesome signature drinks. There will be a recording studio to record live bands or, just to lay some vocals or guitar tracks. A billiards table for some fun “8” or “9” ball, a few cool board games. We have a roomy place to read, talk business, study, write a book, surf the Internet with free high speed Wi-Fi and a few computers (Windows, Mac & Linux) to rent by the hour. Be sure of one thing, there will always be a blues jam playing either by CD, MP3, live or a vinyl record. I love blues music and want to pay homage to this incredible genre. All three major music licenses (ASCAP, BMI & SESAC) will be purchased and maintained to insure past (artist estate) and present blues artist get paid for their work.

There will be a small retail section, where we’ll sell vintage jackets, jeans, jewelry, and our company t-shirt. We will also, sell Ray-Ban Wayfarers and aviators, harmonicas, fresh flowers and blues artist music including, the great John Lee Hooker and his daughter Zakiya Hooker whom Iv'e had the pleasure to talk to on a Facebook Live session and ask her if I may carry her, and her fathers music. 

The menu will contain:

Coffee, Espresso drinks, cold brew coffee, Pepsi, Bottled water, Ice tea, Hot tea, Zuccini & bannana bread, Cookies, Hot & cold chocolate milk, Mexican pastries, Fudge, Fruit and French Caneles.  

How We're Different

Downtown Blues Coffee, LLC is different in a lot of ways as mentioned above such as having a small recording studio to a billiards table. I have searched many, many coffee shops on the internet, either by Google search or Yelp in the United states and abroad and have not seen one quite like the one we hope you invest in. 

From it's colorful painted walls to the framed blues artist posters, and lighting, we will be very different from most coffee shops, and we hope anybody who frequents near and abroad will share their wonderful experience with the world. We want to charm you and hope you return tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day after that. We'd love you to brag about our super friendly staff, bluesy decor and most of all the unique experience you will encounter. 


Frank D Jaurequi - Owner/Operator

It always seems impossible till it's done. - Nelson Mandela  

Frank D Jaurequi is a passionate 48 year old entrepreneur who wants to leave his mark on the world through blues music and coffee. I am a father of five beautiful children, Isabel, Sorina, Frankie, Jack & Layla. My girl Anhelika is my comedy road buddy and love. My family is the most important thing God has given me, I would do anything for them. I have a bachelors degree in Information Technology. I am obsessed with music especially blues music. I have a lot of experience including retail, small business and IT. I am slowly establishing business credit to be able to finance any amount I wish, and to eventually invest and help others become a successful entrepreneur. Peace.


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