Black Label Performance, LLC

Providing honest, accurate and valuable automotive r...


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Quick Pitch

Black Label Performance is growing at a fantastic rate, but we still need YOUR help! Purchase one (or more!) of our rewards packages and help a great business become greater. The funding asked for here will go directly toward growing the business and adding additional services to our already extensive service menu. We have whole-heartedly outgrown our current location to the point of discomfort and need more funding to make the transition to a larger, more visible location more comfortable for all parties involved. We are not asking for charity, and are not into getting something for nothing, so we have put together what we feel to be a fair array of rewards packages in order to thank our backers. We are open to suggestions for packages not outlined already.

Product/Service Details

In addition to automotive performance work, Black Label Performance offers full-service maintenance and repair for almost any make or model vehicle out there. You name it, we can do it. Our only limitations currently are space and time. With proper funding, we aim to obtain more space, and find quality automotive repair technicians to help grow our business to the next level and earn even more lifetime customers.

Traction & Accomplishments

Black Label Performance started out in January of 2010 as a joint venture between two brothers, looking to work for themselves, rather than others. What was intended to be a means to make ends meet for themselves has turned into a quickly expanding business with dedicated customers and fans. Our business physically doubled in size in it's first six months and has since doubled again. What started with a single repair bay and a singular lift has evolved through customer service and fair pricing to what we intend to be a 10 bay, 5 technician shop.

How We're Different

Black Label Performance is not all about money. We are about making friends first and customers second. We feel that if the customer gets a great overall experience the first time they visit us, they will return again and again. This, over the lifetime of the customer surely outweighs gouging a customer one time for a large sum of money and sending them on their merry way. Only employing qualified and experienced technicians with high-level attention to detail, that truthfully care about their quality of work delivered, sets us apart from 95% of performance, service or repair shops out there. We are proud to be different and still get warm fuzzies from each new or existing customer that gives us a gleaming Customer Satisfaction Review or 5-Star Survey.


Mark Gibson - Co-Owner/Service Manager


Mark is 50% Co-Owner of this business and acts daily as the Service Manager. Mark also writes service for Performance-oriented builds and advises general maintenance customers on proper repairs as needed.

Michael Gibson II - Co-Owner/Shop Foreman/Engine Builder/Tuner


Mike is 50% Co-Owner of this business and serves daily as the Shop Foreman, Advisor to all Technicians, Engine Builder and Standalone Engine Management (EMS) Tuner. Mike also advises customers for both repair and performance services as needed.

Cooper Boyd - Technician Apprentice/General Shop Laborer


In any other shop, Cooper would be a solid introductory level technician. Due to our stringent levels of quality, we have taken Cooper on as an apprentice to groom him into a flourishing technician someday soon. In addition to his technician apprenticeship under Mike and Danny, Cooper assists with any tasks needing completion for any member of the BLP Staff, doing so quickly and with a spring in his step.


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