
Nest Meets Fitbit


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An Auto Professional at Your Fingertips

Sense Data LLC wants to provide the consumers with the first afforable scan tool that will give consumers the current health of their own car. We will be monitoring the emissions system to let consumers know before the check engine light comes on to help them be proactive and empowered by autopro™.


Given the ease of use and popularity of the smartphone, we intend to use your phone to eliminate the cost associated with the diagnostic tools used at the mechanic shop. We will give consumers the first autoHub™ (RedBox meets the automobile) in consumer electronic stores to show them how they could change there user experience for life. If they want they will be able to purchase device from hub for pennies compared to other scan tools. 

Reducing Pollution and Employing Detroit

  • Every car has a data link connector underneath its steering wheel. autopro™ will plug into the car's data port to gain access to collect health information from the vehicle via your smartphone. The autopro™ device will let you collect vital health information from your car's on-board computers and help the EPA make better standards to help air quality. 


  • We want to create jobs for all the mechanics/technicans in Michigan who have the knowledge of whats good health vs bad health. We want to bring the first revoluizionzeing technology to the automobile, by connecting a mechanics knowledge to an app. 


Key Benefits and Value Proposition:

  • Eliminates the cost ($75-$150) that consumers pay to have a mechanic shop let them know whats wrong with their car. 
  • Helps in checking historical health profile of pre-owned cars.
  • Help keep emissions safe cars only on the road
  • Give the government a better way to make standards
  • Connecting your car to cloud for a $1/month


We have made significant headway and achieved substantial traction in developing our app along with the diagnostic device used in congruity as well as bringing our product to a broader market base.  Here's what we have accomplished so far:

  • AutoProLite has been downloaded 7K since July 5th
  • AutoProPlus has been downloaded 153 times ($2.99)

  • Secured a spot in CES 2014 Eureka Park which is the area for startups Jan 7-10 2014

Meet Our Team

Carlos Hernandez, Founder/Software Engineer (SenseData)
- Carlos has 7 years product development, IT and business experience.

- 5 years software engineering and senior management experience

- Has Vision for SenseData's Future

Luis Hernandez, Aerospace Electrical Engineer (GSS)

- BS Electrical Engineering Wayne State University
- Luis has 20 years diagnostic software, IT, and business experience.

-10+ years business development, sales and marketing experience.

Robert Vogt, Automotive Electrical Engineer (iOSix)

- BS in Computer Engineering, a BS in Computer Science, and an MS in Computer Engineering from the University of Michigan.

- 10+ years experience in Diagnostic Protocols

- Experience with Automotive Manufacturers and Suppliers

Ji Gou, iOS Developer (SenseData)

- MS in Atmosphere Science from Columbia University

- 4 years experience in building health monitoring framework.

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