Zero Pollution Motors, LLC

Manufacturer and distributor of compressed air vehicle...


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Look what we've done to our cities! Look what we've done to our air!

Now look what air can do for us.


The AIRpod vehicle is the solution to urban pollution and urban mobility.

Compressed air.  Imagine the roads of U.S. cities filled with vehicles running on compressed air. That's right — air. Are you thinking 50 years from now? Maybe 25? Zero Pollution Motors, LLC has the vision, mission and technology to produce such a vehicle now.

As a licensee to the Luxembourg-based developer Motor Development International (MDI), Zero Pollution Motors has attained the rights to build the first plants in the United States to build vehicles powered by compressed air.

The AIRPod will be developed in three sizes to accommodate different uses for travel. The vehicles will be produced to run on compressed air alone. No expensive, heavy batteries to charge. No gasoline. And no noise pollution in our cities and parks!

Compressing air into a small space is a way to store energy. Just as a balloon filled with air releases extraordinary energy when a hole is made on its surface, a motor can be powered in the same way. This may sound dangerous, but it is not! The MDI engine invented by Guy Negre is entirely safe.

Because the AIRPod is designed to use a joystick rather than a steering wheel, it's really fun to drive.

Zero Pollution Motors will change the way we think about driving -- for a price anyone in the car-buying market can afford.

Motor Development International (MDI) has made great progress bringing this concept to fruition to enable Zero Pollution Motors to launch this first plant:

Successful prototypes have been developed.

Tata Motors Limited, the India based multinational automotive manufacturing company, has completed proof of the technical concept in                   their compressed air vehicles in May, 2012.

The AIRPod was well-received when tested at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport.

Our website has had tens of thousands of visitors. We even registered more than 3,400 interested parties it one day during a special event!

The AIRPod has received formal interest from the NY Taxi and Limousine Commission, USPS, Club Car and various other delivery operators

Actors Rocky Carroll (NCIS, Chicago Hope, Roc), and Chris Noth (Law and Order, Sex and the City, The Good Wife) are our official sponsors.

Zero Pollution Motors will change the way vehicles are produced, sold and driven. Our plants will be small and easy to manage. This efficiency will be recognized in the price of the vehicles.We call our business model the "Dealer-Manufacturer-Partner" concept. Unlike the standard car manufacturers, our plants will create 80% of the vehicles and sell them within the same location. These are referred to as "turnkey" factories. By avoiding a dealership distribution we can offer the customer an even more affordable price.

Hawaii is the planned site for the first U.S. AIRPod factory. Hawaii is the most fossil fuel dependent state in the nation and importing oil to meet the demand is not sustainable. The Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative (HCEI), a federal-state-private partnership, is charting a new course toward energy independence. This environment is perfect for introducing compressed air technology to the US.

Finally, this vehicle will change how you think about driving. "Fueling up." Compressed air stations will be easier than charging electric cars because it can be done with a regulor outlet or purchasing gas. And, it's much cheaper than electric and gasoline options.


The AIRPod is a highly evolved machine on every level — ecological, economic and social.

If you like what we do, be sure to Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter to stay up to date on exciting new developments with the AIRPod!


Shiva Vencat, CEO
Shiva is an entrepreneur with more than 15 years experience in green housing, agriculture, energy and automobiles. He has been the U.S. representative for Motor Development International at the early stage of the project. Prior to this experience he was in the hospitality business, commodities trading and innovation management.

Ethan Tucker has been working in the movie industry for twenty years, as a producer and screenwriter. He was Director of Development for producer John H. Williams (Shrek, On the Road, Seven Years in Tibet) at Vanguard Films. Currently, Ethan is working on a feature film project about inventor Nikola Tesla.

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