
The first gay pilot to circumnavigate flying a DC3


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The Mission.

http://www.prideflight2018.comIn the spring of 2018, DJ Doran will attempt to become the first openly gay pilot to circumnavigate the globe flying a WWII era DC-3.  PrideFlight2018 will be an inspirational mission spreading goodwill and offering support tyo LGBTQ communities, organizations and groups worldwide.  DJ and hhis crew will depart Indianapolis with planned stops in cities and countries around the globe stopping to bring focus and offer real support whenever possible.  

The Flight Plan.

PrideFlight will Depart Indianapolis sometime in the spring of 2018 and stop in New Orleans, Key West FL, NY metro, Reykjavik, Glasgow, Barcelona, Crete, Turkey, Isreal, India, Austrailia and more before ending back in Indianapolis.

Why we're going.

PrideFlight2018 is first and foremost a mission of support and encouragement for LGBTQ people of every nationality from all over the world that are struggling for basic human rights that may not otherwise get the attention of local, regional and world leaders.   PrideFlight2018 is about breaking barriers and setting records as the first openly gay pilot to circumnavigate the globe and lastly it is about bringing a positive focus to our community with a challenge worthy of world attention.

How it will happen.

We have indentified and located the plane for this mission and are in negotiations to complete the purchase.  Once we raise the capital needed for the acquisition we will fly her from her current home in Mexico to Long Beach California where both of her engines will be overhauled. The plane will stay in California for the winter and will be flown to Indianapolis in the spring of 2016 where we will contine with the refitting process and begin flight testing and training.  It is our goal to raise the necessary capital for the purchase of the palne, refitting, training and mission through several sources.  The flight will consist of 24 legs and landing in over 30 countries and it is our plan to seek corporate partners/sponsors for each leg.  In addtion we will lauch an online store selling logo merchandise and sell advertising on our website, social media and You Tube channel where we will post updates, videos and photos during our flight.  Lastly we will use the power of crowdfunding to raise capital and support.

The Crew (so far...)

DJ Doran - Pilot in Command

Seasoned Aviator and Adventurer 

DJ is the owner of Rainbow Tourism and is the publisher of Gaycation Magazine a premier LGBTQ travel magazine distributed in the U.S., Canada and Mexico and is also publisher and editor in chief of the largest LGBTQ Newspaper in the Midwest based in Indianapolis. The Word ( has been in continuous print for almost 25 years and covers 7 midwest states. DJ an experienced private pilot with over 15,000 flight hours in several aircraft types and has served with distinction in the USAF. Before PrideFlight2018 DJ and his husband Joe have lived aboard a 61' sailboat based in San Francisco where they taught themselves how to sail and manage a small ship with only 2 crew members. DJ and Joe also restored and drove a vintage motor home across the United States for almost a year meeting LGBTQ people from many communities along the way.

- Co- Pilot


The Co-pilot will support the PIC (Pilot in Command) by flying the plane when the PIC needs a break from flying. The Co-Pilot will assume command if the PIC becomes incapacitated. In addition, the Co-Pilot will manage in flight communications with ATC and other aircraft and at the direction of the PIC set all navigation instruments. The Co-Pilot will also assist the PIC with flight planning/ pre-flighting the aircraft.

Allen Stratton - Flight Engineer

Skilled at performing mechanical miracles to keep us in the air 

Allen is an innovative mechanical whiz! If it breaks he can fix it. His motto when it comes to anything mechanical is ("An ounce of prevention..."). His job is to anticipate and avoid mechanical failures on the airplane before they happen, but on the occasion that they do, he is the guy to figure out the best way to quickly , but safely get us back in the air. Additionally, Allen's role as flight engineer is to manage primary systems such a fuel flow, hydraulics and engine performance just to name a few.

- Crew Chief

The Flight Engineers Sidekick 

This crew member will be the back-up mechanic that assists the Flight Engineer to keep the plane flying.

Joe Morales - Blogger

Travel/Dining Writer, Chef and world traveler 

Joe is an accomplished travel/dining writer for Gaycation magazine and The Word Newspaper and is also a Chef in training. Joe has traveled the world exploring different destinations, cultures and attitudes and will be blogging about our flight during the mission. He will be posting photos and stories about PrideFlight2018, the destinations we visit and the people that we meet along the way.

- Liaison


This crew member will act as the liaison between the flight crew and the local LGBT community, organization or group at each landing point and hosting our visit.


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