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Quick Pitch

Basic education is a human right 80% of the world's population is not privy to.  With the Porta-School we can deliver quality accessible education to students around the world, no matter where they live.  PortaSchool is NOT dependent on electricity or internet access .Students can earn a high school diploma or career/technical certificate anywhere in the world.  Porta-School will be available in 16 languages and come complete with course content, etextbooks, assessments, gradebooks, and wi-fi capability for those times when the students is close to internet access.

Key Features

Porta-School will have enough memory to contain a complete high school curriculum of 30 classes, complete with textbooks, assessments, gradebooks, social networking applications, and wifi capability for those times when the student is near internet access.

This is a stand-alone product and does not require electricity of internet access to operate. It will have a 20-hr solar battery and SD card capability for additional resources.

About the Business and Team

I started the World Virtual School in Dec of 1995 in order to offer online courses to students whom - for whatever reason - could not attend a traditional school.  Over the years we have expanded to include 72 countries, dividing them up into regions such as the Africa Virtual School, Australian Virtual School, South American Virtual School, ect.

Over time we have added over 400 traditional courses and 45 technical career tracks, including a clean energy track for solar, water, and wind energy.  We have remained solvent during the recession, but lack the additional funds to produce this product, which is already patent pending. 

As the CEO, I was named the Global Educator of the Year in 2010 by CCLP, a worldwide organization.  I have published and presented papers all over the world and just this month have been published in the Handbook of Mobile Learning, published by Rutledge and MIT. As a pioneer of online education, I would like to continue pushing the boundaries and help those without opportunity the basic education to enhance their lives and encourage them to join the global economc and social environment.

My marketing team is a strategic and creative consultancy with offices in Minneapolis and San Francisco whose client experience includes: Red Bull, Pepsi, 3M, and Harley Davidson, to name a few. The money raised will be used for developing the tablet applications required, and to launch our marketing campaign. 


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