3D Print It

A physical store specializing in 3d printers and products


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Website:  http://dustysantos.wix.com/3dprintit

Model Specs:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-iXZvK4zxE

The Future of 3d Printing

3d printing will become a household activity. Everyone will be able to purchase things off the internet and immediately print that download. Everything from toys, to replacement parts for your out dated car.

What is 3d printing? What does a 3d printer look like? How do I operate it? What material can it print and in how many colors? What is the difference between printers and which one is right for me?

All these questions and more will soon be asked by everyday people. Many of whom will get there first impression of 3d printing from a physical store, not the internet. There are problems with the internet, for one thing, there is so much information so widely spread that it is just too much for any one person to take on. It's also hard to commit to buying something you haven't seen in person, especially a new technology like this.

There needs to be a store for the future, a store that showcases many 3d printers and has knowledgeable staff to answer all the new questions...

Our Store

We'll be the first store in our state (or the states next to us for that matter) that offers a physical store for 3d printers and products. Giving the customer the opportunity to see a 3d printer up close, ask questions, and feel the products before buying.

To start our products will be very colorful. That's because currently home printers can only print a range of plastics. That will change soon as the patent for metal printing expires sometime next year. As the new technology comes out we will be the first place customers can see it and ask questions about it.

Since we can print all our own merchandise, not only will we never be out of stock, but we can print items not seen on our shelves, but in an in-store catalog. Imagine if Walmart had a catalog of everything they have ever sold, and you could not only purchase anything out of that catalog but get it in any color and size 3d printers can dish out. That is the innovation we are talking about.

Our Future Plans

We are starting with a cart in a mall, and only printing plastics but that is just to get our foot in the door.

As we grow into a full store, we will offer full body 3d scanning/printing. A "creation station" where artist can use our resources to create and print what ever they want. We'll also work with architects to build miniatures of planed buildings.

All these innovations plus new things nobody has even thought of yet makes for a business that just keeps growing and growing.


As I stated above, my goal is to make my store thee place for people to see a wide variety of 3d printers, ask questions about them and purchase them of course.

In order to make this happen I need to be a re-seller for as many 3d printer companies as possible. I refuse to only sell one type of printer so if you planning to ask me to do that for your company don't bother. My customers want a variety.

For many people their first impressions of 3d printers will be seeing them in person, in a physical store. If I were you, I wouldn't want customers to see the competition instead of me.

That's why if you have a 3d printer company you should contact me! Let me know why your printer is better than the others. I am already in talks with one company; don't let that be the only 3d printer I can sell at my kiosk!

Stretch Goals

Here is what I will do with the money if I get more than the asking price:

Gift Cards - $540

Desktop 3D Scanner - $3,399

Another 6 Months Rent - $12,000 (the first year is the hardest for any business, that's why having a full years rent paid for will help immensely)

A Bigger Cart - $?,???

A Full Store - $??,??? (so much more goes into this one that calculating it is going to take some time)

This is the cart the mall assignes me:               I'd prefer something like this:

This is the cart I'm assigned by the mall

Where I got the asking price from


3d Print It Budget.xls

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Accepting Applications

We'll need knoledgable individuals to work at our store in the Pheasant Lane Mall. I'll need 3 or 4 people to start. The planed scheduel is below. Know that the schedule could change, in fact I'll be going to conventions and the like to promote the business so at times I'll need more weekend workers than you see here. This company has LOTS of room to grow and you can grow with it.


  Required:                                                                                                                               - Know how to model in at least 1 3d modeling program                                           - Able to work mall hours, including on the weekend                                                 - Can explain what we do easily to customers who have never heard of                    3d printing                                                                                                                     - 3D Printing Knowledge, not only will I need you to operate a 3d printer but              be able to answer questions customers may have.

 Bonus:                                                                                                                                    - Manager experiance I only need one manager at the start                                    - I like lightwave so if you know another program that is a big bonus

If you feel your right for the job e-mail me at printit3d@yahoo.com ATTN: Resume  Thanks!


Dusty Santos - C.E.O.

Graduate of The D.A.V.E. School. 

Mother and wife to a daughter and a loving husband. Graduated from The D.A.V.E. School in 2006 and worked as a freelancer for many years. She started this company and is the driving force behind it.


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